IPPUR is launching a new IPPUR Bulletin at times of resistance and re-existence, for the reinforcement of the Brazilian Science. It aims at consolidating the spaces for dialogue, as well as the broad spreading of knowledge in the urban and regional planning, and public management fields.
The launching of the new IPPUR Bulletin is part of actions to celebrate GPDES’ 10-year anniversary, in 2020, of the 50-year anniversary of the Institute, in 2021.
IPPUR acknowledges that scientists, and their contributions to society, overall depend on their communication efforts in public universities, which is nowadays responsible for more 91% of the scientific production in the country.
“We understand that it is essential investing in actions for scientific spreading in order to show, to the general society, the productions and results that have been generated by IPPUR/UFRJ in the last few years”, stated Orlando Alves dos Santos Júnior, the Institute’s Director.
The Bulletin is elaborated by IPPUR Agency, which is linked to the Research, Extension, Outspread and Documentation Coordination; it brings information on notices, calls for journals, the promotion of events, technical notes on different topics proposed by IPPUR community and partners. Yet, it also publishes essays, opinion articles, interviews, chronicles, videos, among others. The aim is to promote the collaborative character in the agendas by counting on everyone’s commitment.
How to participate?
The Bulleting is launched every fifteen days, t the first and third weeks of the month.
With respect to the spread of events, courses and notices in the Bulletin, we require requests to be previously sent in, within a time compatible to that of the event’s day, given the schedule of bulletin launching.
The publication of technical notes, information articles, partial or final research results, among others, will have continuous flow.
Authorship contributions must be sent in ‘word’ format, with at most 4,000 words.
The e-mail “ippurboletim@ippur.ufrj.br” will get all the material to be published in the Bulletin, be the content collaborative (technical notes, articles, interviews, among others) or request for the promotion of events and activities carried out by IPPUR community and partners; they will also be published in IPPUR website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and sent out by e-mail.
We count on the collaboration of all for IPPUR Bulletin’s success.
Publications, suggestions and applications: ippurboletim@ippur.ufrj.br
Última edição
Boletim IPPUR nº 71
A edição n. 71 do Boletim IPPUR destaca a participação do corpo social do IPPUR no XX Encontro Nacional da Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Planejamento Urbano e Regional (ENANPUR). Confira, ainda, nesta edição, resenha sobre o livro “Tempos, Ideias e Lugares: escritos em Planejamento Urbano e Regional”, de autoria da professora Rosélia Piquet, e a publicação organizada pelo Observatório das Metrópoles sobre a trajetória histórica da urbanização de favelas no Rio e o debate sobre políticas habitacionais no Plano Diretor. E mais: cobertura de eventos, texto sobre a recuperação de Angola, o IPPUR na mídia e contribuições da Biblioteca.
O Boletim IPPUR nº 43 divulga o artigo “A divisão do trabalho reacionário”, escrito por Henri Acselrad (IPPUR/UFRJ), que desconstrói a dicotomia entre as políticas nacionalista e liberal frente ao sucateamento dos direitos trabalhistas, no Brasil. Ainda, são divulgados outros artigos, congressos, lives e chamadas.
O Boletim IPPUR nº 42 divulga o artigo “Vida Pública”, escrito por discentes do Instituto, que conta a história do Centro de Estudos e Ações Solidárias da Maré (CEASM) e é dedicado à memória da ex-vereadora do Rio, Marielle Franco, além de outros artigos e editais.
Boletim – nº 8
Boletim – nº 3
Boletim – nº 2