The Academic Secretariat of the Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation Program develops essential managerial activities for the proper functioning of the Master’s and Doctorate Courses of the Post-Graduation Program in Urban and Regional Planning – PPG-PUR. Its action covers classes’ follow-up, its professors and students, through the whole course.

Coordination Contact Opening Hours
General Coordination

Prof. Soraya Silveira Simões
Prof. Luis Regis Coli Silva Junior

Academic Secretariat

Viviane Penso Magalhães

Carlos Alexandre Torres Pallares

Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – 10:00 am to 02:00 pm

There is not face-to-face assistance on Mondays and Fridays, only internal activities.

Tasks of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Academic Secretariat

  • PPG-PUR Collegiate Secretariat;

  • Preparing the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR calendar;
  • Managing the Selection Processes for Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Conducting Students’ enrollment in Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Conducting the admission of Students in Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Conducting the readmission of Students in Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing the scholarships of Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing the Schedule of Mandatory Disciplines of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing the Schedule of Optional Disciplines of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Receiving and outspreading the Schedules of Disciplines of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing enrollments in Disciplines by Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing enrollments in Disciplines by Students external to the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Registering the Degree and Frequency of Students in Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses (*);
  • Preparing the Declaration for Students External to Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing the Defenses of Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Managing the Official School Reports of Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Handing out the Student ID of Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Assisting Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Assisting Professors in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses
  • Assisting the PPG-PUR coordination;
  • Preparing Several Declarations for Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Preparing the Process to Request the Diploma for Students in the Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses;
  • Keeping the Information Mural of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses up-dated;
  • Keeping the Web-pages of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Courses at IPPUR website in the internet;
  • Reviewing and Up-dating the Labor Processes and Tools of Stricto Sensu PPG-PUR Secretariat;
  • (*) At exceptional situations