Diploma in International Cotutelle: what is it?

Diploma in cotutelle is defined as the double diploma in stricto sensu Post-Graduation resulting from the partnership between Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a foreign institution through its post-graduation, or equivalent, programs. This program grants two diplomas, with equal relevance, one by each institution, to the nominee who has fulfilled all the academic requirements for the title the student had applied for, based on items in Agreements, hereafter called “Cotutelle Agreements”. These agreements can be open or closed, and cover one or more knowledge fields.

Resolution CEPG n. 01/2017 and Normative Instruction n. 01/2018

Cotutelle agreement types

Open cotutelle agreements

Agreements capable of covering more than one guidance case in cotutelle during its validity period; it can have, or not, one or more guidance cases, in cotutelle, to enact them.

Closed Cotutelle Agreements

Agreements limited to candidates nominally cited in their texts; this agreement type does to apply to other orientation cases in cotutelle.

Structure of the Processes

Open cotutelle cases must present:

  1. Minute of Cotutelle Agreement in Portuguese and in a foreign language, if this is the case.
  2. Justification for the Agreement proposition and for the choice for the institution in question.

Students’ inclusion in open cotutelle agreements will be carried out through individual administrative process, which must provide on:

  1. Requirement for the open process with students’ name. Post-Graduation program, mobility time, name of the foreign institution and name of co-advisers;
  2. Copy of the Open Cotutelle Agreement, or prove of the Open Cotutelle Agreement proposition approval by the Deliberative Commission of the Post-Graduation Program;
  3. Proposition of studies’ plan presenting: a. justification for the advisory in cotutelle and for the choice for co-advisers, b. goals and targets, c. program of activities;
  4. Summarized co-advisers’ resume;
  5. Student’s resume;
  6. Copy of the student’s school records;
  7. Copy of the students’ ID, and
  8. Commitment term signed by the student and by co-advisers, who commit to meet all the items in the cotutelle agreement.

Closed Cotutelle Agreements must present:

  1. Requirement for process opening, students’ name, Post-Graduation program, mobility time, foreign institution’s name and name of the co-advisers; Download the model
  2. Minute of the Cotutelle Agreement in Portuguese and in a foreign language, if this is the case; Download the model
  3. Justify the Agreement’s proposition and the choice for the institution in question;
  4. Proposition of studies’ content with: a. justification for advisory in cotutelle and for the choice for the advisers, b. goals and targets, and c. schedule of activities.
  5. Summarized adviser’s resume;
  6. Student’s resume;
  7. Copy of the Student’s school records;
  8. Copy of the student’s ID, and
  9. 9 – Commitment term signed by the student and by the co-advisers who commit to meet all cotutelle agreement’s items. Download the model
  10. 10 – All Cotutelle Agreement minutes to be signed (oftentimes in 6 copies, 03 in Portuguese and 03 in the language of the partner institution), which must be attached to the process, without holes or numbering on them, inside a transparent plastic envelop. (These are the copies to be signed by UFRJ’s Dean, after the approval by all instances).

Steps for the processes to set the international Agreements in Theses in International Cotutelle

  1. Process is opened in the academic unit by the part interested in the Agreement (Co-advisor professor or student);
  2. The process will be evaluated by the Collegiate of the Post-Graduation Program in Urban and Regional Planning of IPPUR/UFRJ for the analysis of Agreement minutes and of other documents composing the process;
  3. In case it is approved, the COLLEGIATE MINUTE will be attached to the process comprising the agreement approval, which must be sent to the Teaching Council for Graduates in the Dean of Post-Graduate Studies and Research (CPEG/PR2) for its evaluation;
  4. In case it is approved, the process is signed by the Dean and sent to the International Relations Direction Board (DRI);
  5. DRI sends the process to the Secretariat of Collegiate Bureaus for minutes’ evaluation by the Higher Council of Executive Coordination (CSCE); it is subsequently sent back to DRI;
  6. The process is sent to the academic unit proposing the Agreement to be subjected to measures regarding the collection of signatures within the Partner Institution and/or the sending of fully signed copies to the partner institution;
  7. The process with the original documentation signed by all parts is sent to DRI for agreements’ extract register and publication in UFRJ’s bulletin.
  8. As long as the process is valid, it will be stored in the generating Unit.